«hearing state», Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, reforms, interethnic relations, conflict, identityAbstract
The article analyzes the general tasks of the Kazakh state to create a legislative framework for reforms, including the reform of the activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. It is shown that in order to overcome serious imbalances and disproportions in the development of the country, including in the interethnic sphere, systemic measures are needed to promote the concept of the President of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev about the «hearing state». The success of the reforms will largely depend on the ability of the authorities to carry out constant «feedback» with society, realizing in practice the needs and demands of the population. It is concluded that the renewed potential of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, which has made a significant contribution to the formation of the Kazakh state, at the present stage should be creatively used in its further development.