
  • Ерлан Джиеналиев Author


Kazakhstan, Siberia, exile, tsarizm, resettlement, colonization, deportation, ethnos, settlers, catholicism, gentry, GULAG


The study’s relevance is caused by the fact that the Polish diaspora of Kazakhstan in the XIX-XX centuries has become a stable component of the republic’s demographic, socio-economic, political, and cultural life, reflecting the model of successful adaptation of the ethnic group in a different cultural environment. The article highlights the stages of resettlement and adaptation of Poles to Kazakhstan in the pre-revolutionary era, during the period of deportation on the eve of and during the Great Patriotic War. Along with the periods of resettlement and deportation, the number of exiles, peasant settlers, and deported Poles and types of economic, social, and cultural adaptation are described in detail. Creating settlements is described as a necessary condition for collective adaptation to Kazakhstan’s natural and climatic conditions. Everyday adaptation is described in detail, which provides for the creation of an association on an ethnic basis for mutual assistance in new conditions and the preservation of the national code in a different ethnic environment. The trend of economic adaptation is shown, which is an attempt to adapt to local economic conditions through the occupation of the economy, crafts, and science; the Poles’ contribution to Kazakhstan’s culture is noted. Particularly noted is the socio-cultural interaction of immigrants with the local population, such as joint marriages, mutual influence of cultures, and others. The Poles of Kazakhstan were an ideal type of diaspora, the distinguishing features of which were the following: forced alienation from their original homeland, collective memory and mythologization of the lost homeland; idealization of the imaginary heritage of the fathers; backward movement; a strong group ethnic identity that persists for a long time; a sense of solidarity with ethnic brethren in other countries; the presence of «masters» demonstrating ethnocultural tolerance, the ability to create and enrich life in the host countries; homogeneity of the diaspora, the presence of internal contradictions; the internal ability for self-organization, the presence of group cooperation, etc. Finally, it was concluded that, despite the tragic historical events, the settlers were able to adapt to the Kazakhstani realities through their creative work and actively participate in the development of Kazakhstan. The materials are of practical value since using this experience in current conditions will inevitably become the basis for practical application in creating an atmosphere of interethnic harmony in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Author Biography

  • Ерлан Джиеналиев

    докторант, кафедра «Археологии и этнологии» исторического факультета Евразийского национального университета 
    имени Л.Н.Гумилева
    г.Астана, Республика Казахстан





